Marketing possibilities in and on trains of the “NordWestBahn” in West Germany

You would like to have your advertisement or marketing in or on a train?

Connectstar negotiates advertising places in and on trains of the “NordWestBahn” with Lines in west germany regions.

An overview to the different marketing possibilities, the connected cities and the media facts you can find here:

We consult individually and make you special offers. After you have chosen a marketing form and a time or a period for on a train for marketing, you get drawings with the train dimensions for the trains of the NordWestBahn so that you are able to make your own advertising template. An alternative is that we do this for you for a small charge ( fixed price possible ).

Why train marketing on the NordWestBahn?

Train marketing offers the possibility to advertise at very economical costs nationwide or between citys. With this form of marketing you have two advantages: first you have a big marketing spreading in relation to the costs, because in the train distant traffic there are only few commuters and the second advantage is that train marketing is very flashy because only few company make use of it, that means if a train with an advertisement is seen it is mostly the only train in a crowd of trains with marketing so that is is well recognized.

Why is Connectstar the optimal partner for train marketing?

The prices for the train marketing possibilities in and at the trains of the NordWestBahn are fixed by the NordWestBahn Organisation. For direct marketing customers there are normaly no discounts or reductions. Connectstar is independent mediator and partner for many customers, therefore we sometimes get reductions or individual discounts which we can give to our cutomers. Another advantage is our consulting service and our independence. We always find the best solutions for our customers and we are also your partner in constructing or lay out making for your advertisement.

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